The Artic Edge: Vacation Bible School 2006
I had alot I wanted to talk about today, but instead I am stuck here in my basement dealing with crazy people and their unrealistic expectations for my work day. That is really a pain, but because I am an exceptional woman, I will rise above. We will have a lesson on expectations and how to deal with them another day. Today I want to talk about the wonderful time I am having teaching Vacation Bible School at First Baptist Church in Abbeville. Kim (who is married to my cousin Cary) and I are teaching the 3 year old class. It is a challenge to get my kids picked up and get all the way to Abbeville by 5:45, but the week has been so rewarding. The children are so sweet and they are very eager to sing and make their crafts. For the most part, they are attentive to the Bible story and are really good at remembering what we have talked about in previous nights. They are so cute as they take turn saying their prayers before it is time to go home. I also get to see my son a good bit as our age groups are combined for various activities. He goes home every night singing some of the songs, and he can't wait to get home and tell Daddy all about what happened at "Bible Church". It is tough to not get home until 9:00 every night (and I miss spending time with my girl) but I enjoy knowing that these children are having a good time and learning about our Lord. It is truly an experience I will cherish for years to come. Until next time, I will see you in the basement.......
I didn't know that they let basement dwellers teach the young minds of tomorrow about the Lord. Good for them. Did I hear that you drive competitive vans? Could have been a rumor.
The koolaid at VBS is always so awesome. Did you drink lots of koolaid??
Mary, I am currently in negotions for a competitive van driving job. I hope to be racing my rival, the Walking Nazi, very soon.
I am not your rival but a poor retched soul who was forced to deliver a large crowd of tourist to the medicinal garden. I am however a walking nazi if you mean someone who enjoys a good stroll in the park.
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