Thoughts from the Basement

Sometimes I read, sometimes I knit, but mostly, I just sit in a Basement.

Friday, June 23, 2006

My New Hobby (Sort of)

I like to always have a project going. It is an annoying habit to those in my life as I am always starting something but never seem to finish. This year I decided that I would take up knitting. Well, I took a few classes and got down the basics, then it was time to pick my first knitting project. First, I wanted to make a baby blanket for my little Princess. It is still sitting somewhere half finished. Then I decided that I was going to make a chenile blanket for Big Daddy. I bought the yarn and the needles required, but they too are sitting in a bag somewhere. Next, I discovered dishcloths. I went to Wal-mart and happily purchased several skeins of fine cotton yarn. I have half of a dishtowel complete and still no cloths. Now I have another problem. I am addicted to the local yarn shop, Hanging by a Thread. I have not purchased anything there yet, but it is harder day by day. I have lusted in my heart for a felted lunch bag pattern. I have plans to make my children felted trick-or-treat bags. Will I just be a yarn ho, or will I ever actually complete a project and truly be able to call myself a knitter? I beg of you, oh faithful readers, to please, please stick with me as I desperately try to complete a knitting project and as I battle the yarn store addiction. I will try and post some pictures of the items that I complete. I am not buying anything until I finish using what I have. I turn to you dear friends for strength in my time of need. Until next time, I'll be knitting in the basement (hopefully).........


At 12:34 PM, Blogger Mary Heather said...

I will stick by you as you struggle with your inner demons and try to complete a knitting project. However, when it is time to make the felted lunch bag, you'd better be ready. The felted lunch bag waits for no man.

At 12:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need to find a support group for those who start a hand knit and don't finish. I will help you find one since you are my idol.

At 12:59 PM, Blogger Mary Heather said...

I have found just the thing to light the fire under you, Oh Basement Queen. Check out Project Finish Knit, You can join and meet your goal of finishing a project and then move on to the most hallowed project of all...the illustrious FELTED LUNCH BAG.

At 5:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What am I?

I am slender and tall,
Some may say that I am alluring and tempting,
Once I gleam in brilliance,
But only once and then no more,
For many I am “to die for”.


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