Boy, I am weak
I did it. I went to the yarn store. It had been two weeks since we had been. I had my project list under control. I went. I saw new yarns. I now have new projects on my list. Why am I so weak?? Why do I lust after yarn in my school colors?? Why am I lusting after Christmas yarn in July?? Yarn is such an addiction. I wonder if anyone has ever done a study on that? I wonder if there is any funding out there to do a study on the theraputic powers of yarn and knitting? I am a scientist. Maybe I should look into that. Anyway, our LYS has lots of really cool yarn and have ordered lots more to be coming soon. I am excited. I also was directed to this knitting pattern today that will be my reward when I cross some items off my list. It does deal with one of my other favorite topics!!!!! I am also watching some items that I covet on ebay. Wish me luck!! It is time to go home so until next time, see you in the basement.
The LYS is a very therapeutic place! I love it. LOVE IT! I'll be glad when you finish that DFH so you can move on to something else!! :-)
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