Thoughts from the Basement

Sometimes I read, sometimes I knit, but mostly, I just sit in a Basement.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Away to Memphis

I am about to leave to take Jennifer to the Memphis International Airport so that she can spend the weekend in Las Vegas. Fun you say?? Yes especially when it is a free trip to hang out with Garth Brooks, Tricia Yearwood, and some random baseball and hockey players. Now the problen is this. Jennifer likes none of the above. No country music or baseball or hockey for her. Unfair, I know but I am making her promise to bring me some autographs. The only good thing about this is I am making her drive to Memphis so I can work on my scarf. I left the dishcloth home to rest. It needs to sit and think about why it is giving me so much trouble. I guess you could say it is grounded for the day. Tomorrow, it will be back to the grind but hopefully I won't have any scary stories from my adventure to share. Until tomorrow, think of me, fair reader, I am escaping from the basement.


At 2:20 PM, Blogger Mary Heather said...

Bad little dishcloth! I am glad that you are taking some action against it's bad behavior. Congrats for braving the wild wilderness also known as Memphis...I know how you feel about that.

At 2:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You went to Memphis and didn't bring me back anything??? I am hurt.

At 2:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If someone made me breakfast I'd be sure that I didn't leave without eating it.


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