Thoughts from the Basement

Sometimes I read, sometimes I knit, but mostly, I just sit in a Basement.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Made it back safe!!

I made it back safe from the city to our north. Of course, when you are only there long enough to drop off at the airport, the carjackers really don't have time to get you. Now Jennifer is sunning it up in Vegas, and I am still here in this basement. Fair reader, I did hit up the Hancock Fabric yesterday and purchased some fine cotton yarn to make my grandmamma some dishcloths for her birthday. I will update you on their progress. I also have a new obsession. I know, I know, but I have just got (GOT) to have Mason-Dixon Knitting. I am not sure that I can go on another day until I buy it. Maybe I can sneak some cash from the grocery money and purchase it. Don't tell!!! Bad news though to report today-my crochet class has been canceled and will be re-offered in the fall. I am disappointed but I know that with all the knitting I have planned, I will stay busy. Hopefully, by Monday I will have pictures of some dishtowels and a scarf for your viewing pleasure. Until then, hold on to your hats. I will be working down here in this basement.


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