Thoughts from the Basement

Sometimes I read, sometimes I knit, but mostly, I just sit in a Basement.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

I am on a roll, people!!

Boys and girls, here is the dishcloth in all her finished glory along with the towel that I made a while back to match it.

I think that they turned out pretty good, don't you? I am just glad that are done and I can cross them off my list. I am going to step away from dishcloths somewhat now and focus on 2 blankets that I already have the yarn for.

I also wanted to throw some props out for our LYS, Hanging by a Thread. While on a research venture yesterday, we were lucky enough to pick up a copy of the very first newsletter published by them. In said newsletter was lots of information about classes and clinics that will be offered during the month of August. I am looking forward to attending some of these as it will be a chance to enhance my skills and meet other knitters. Speaking of meeting other knitters, the store will also be hosting a "Sip 'n Stitch" every Tuesday night at 7 pm starting on August 15. This sounds like great fun and I am looking forward to hanging out and having child-free time to knit. As you can see, I still have much knitting planned and am ready to learn something new. Until next time, see you in the basement.


At 1:24 PM, Blogger Mary Heather said...

That is truly a nice beautiful dishcloth. When i slit my wrists will you bury me with one?

At 3:32 PM, Blogger Stacie said...

Lovely dishcloth--a nice set!

At 6:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is my dishcloth set?

At 1:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so special!


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