Thoughts from the Basement

Sometimes I read, sometimes I knit, but mostly, I just sit in a Basement.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Finally Friday!!

Today is Friday and it is also PAYDAY. I really should say income redistribution day. The money comes in, the money goes out. I am busily preparing for the birthday marathon this weekend. I can't believe that my baby is going to be a year old. It is very sad for this girl to think that her babies are growing up. I stayed home with the kiddies yesterday and while a day off would seem like a great time to get some knitting done......needless to say I didn't have much luck. So I still lack two dishcloths before I can cross an item off my list. Maybe between birthday parties I can get some things cast on and that will make me start them. I just don't have a lot to day, fair reader, so until next know where I'll be.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I Finished!!!!! (Sort Of)

Today is my sister's birthday and since I promised her dishcloths for her new apartment and am a month late on that, I figured I better hand over something today. I just basically cast on until the desired width and knit two skeins of yarn in garter stich to make her a towel. Boring I know, but I want her to use it and I really am still a novice knitter, you know. Well, fair reader, it was the first project that I have ever started that I actually finished (with a little help from my friend). I am going to cast on the first dishcloth tonight. I plan on making 2 dishcloths and when they are complete, I am going to take pictures of the whole set and post them here for your enjoyment. The ladies of the basement are busy making our lists for Project Finish Knit. You can also check their site for updates on my project list. Tomorrow, fair reader, you will have to do without my wit and wisdom as I have to stay home with the kiddies, but rest assured I will be back on Friday with tales of knitting with children.
Kudos to Jenn for her progress in fundraising. And HAPPY 22, Sister!!!!!
Until next time, I will be making lists of unfinished projects in the basement.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

A Busy Week

To only be Tuesday, I am swamped with things to do already. Our little Princess turns one on Sunday and there is lots to do to get ready. We are having a party for Big Daddy's family on Saturday at Aunt Misty's house and then we will be entertaining my clan on Sunday at my grandmother's so that we can eat cake and enjoy the swimming pool. I have exciting news, fair reader, as I have been accepted into the membership of Project Finish Knit. Hopefully, these fine women will help me to finish all those dishcloths I am planning. I am constantly finding new projects that I want to make for myself but I have to stick with the plan. I found some quite festive placemats today that I think will make a fine addition to my tailgating table. I am going to use red and blue of course and they will look fine sitting under the new platters and bowls that I am currently coveting for the fall. Sorry to say fair reader that it will be quite some time before I can boast of finishing these fine additions to my grove gear as I have also placed a moratorium on the purchase of new yarns as to help with my goal of finishing the unknit. Dishcloths must be my life, at least until the cotton yarn runs out. Until next time, I will be planning parties in the basement.

Monday, June 26, 2006

A New Week

Today starts a new week and new projects on the horizon. Bible school commencement was last night and while it was a rewarding experience, I am glad to be able to go straight home from work this week. My weekend was full of birthday parties, shopping at Wal-mart, and spending time with my kids. Saturday, I walked 7 miles (SEVEN) with Jennifer for our 3-Day training. It was a long hot day, but maybe after a few more like it, I will begin to see some weight loss. Thanks to the support of my dedicated readers, I am going to try and narrow down my project list and get busy on finishing my dishcloths and such so that I may start to prepare for making Christmas gifts. This will be a long, grueling task but I am sure that my chosen gifts will bring joy to all that receive them. Scarves, blankets, and dishcloths are for sure on the list. Who will receive what?? Only time will tell. For now, I am collecting patterns and making plans to purchase yarn. I am making more time each and every day to dedicate to knitting and will let you know, fair reader, how my projects are progressing. Maybe if I can borrow a camera I will be able to provide you with pictures as well. Until next time, I will see you in the basement.

Friday, June 23, 2006

My New Hobby (Sort of)

I like to always have a project going. It is an annoying habit to those in my life as I am always starting something but never seem to finish. This year I decided that I would take up knitting. Well, I took a few classes and got down the basics, then it was time to pick my first knitting project. First, I wanted to make a baby blanket for my little Princess. It is still sitting somewhere half finished. Then I decided that I was going to make a chenile blanket for Big Daddy. I bought the yarn and the needles required, but they too are sitting in a bag somewhere. Next, I discovered dishcloths. I went to Wal-mart and happily purchased several skeins of fine cotton yarn. I have half of a dishtowel complete and still no cloths. Now I have another problem. I am addicted to the local yarn shop, Hanging by a Thread. I have not purchased anything there yet, but it is harder day by day. I have lusted in my heart for a felted lunch bag pattern. I have plans to make my children felted trick-or-treat bags. Will I just be a yarn ho, or will I ever actually complete a project and truly be able to call myself a knitter? I beg of you, oh faithful readers, to please, please stick with me as I desperately try to complete a knitting project and as I battle the yarn store addiction. I will try and post some pictures of the items that I complete. I am not buying anything until I finish using what I have. I turn to you dear friends for strength in my time of need. Until next time, I'll be knitting in the basement (hopefully).........

Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Artic Edge: Vacation Bible School 2006

I had alot I wanted to talk about today, but instead I am stuck here in my basement dealing with crazy people and their unrealistic expectations for my work day. That is really a pain, but because I am an exceptional woman, I will rise above. We will have a lesson on expectations and how to deal with them another day. Today I want to talk about the wonderful time I am having teaching Vacation Bible School at First Baptist Church in Abbeville. Kim (who is married to my cousin Cary) and I are teaching the 3 year old class. It is a challenge to get my kids picked up and get all the way to Abbeville by 5:45, but the week has been so rewarding. The children are so sweet and they are very eager to sing and make their crafts. For the most part, they are attentive to the Bible story and are really good at remembering what we have talked about in previous nights. They are so cute as they take turn saying their prayers before it is time to go home. I also get to see my son a good bit as our age groups are combined for various activities. He goes home every night singing some of the songs, and he can't wait to get home and tell Daddy all about what happened at "Bible Church". It is tough to not get home until 9:00 every night (and I miss spending time with my girl) but I enjoy knowing that these children are having a good time and learning about our Lord. It is truly an experience I will cherish for years to come. Until next time, I will see you in the basement.......

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

First day to post!!

I have been encouraged by my lovely co-worker, Mary Heather, to start a blog. I really have no set topic so this will just be a glimpse of my life working in a basement. Working underground is a unique experince. You begin to not miss things like windows and quickly learn to get used to the cold 365 days a year. People rarely come down to visit unless they need something. It is very quiet and peaceful unless you crave being around others like I do and then it can be very lonely. I do get to travel about the building from time to time and I will tell you about the people I meet as time goes by. So don't expect any earthshattering revelations to be told in this blog. Just sit back and enjoy and maybe, jsut maybe, you will learn a thing or two.

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